The extraordinary humanity of people reflected in a voluntary blood donation, has inspired “Noblice” to join this action. It is known that, after a blood donation, the organism needs something sweet. This is why all the blood donors, who had come to the Blood Transfusion Institute on the World Blood Donor Day, were given „Noblice“ as a desert. Besides, as a small symbol of gratitude, each blood donor received an appreciation letter and a T-shirt as a symbolic gift for the expressed courage and humanity.
The extraordinary humanity of people reflected in a voluntary blood donation, has inspired “Noblice” to join this action. It is known that, after a blood donation, the organism needs something sweet. This is why all the blood donors, who had come to the Blood Transfusion Institute on the World Blood Donor Day, were given „Noblice“ as a desert. Besides, as a small symbol of gratitude, each blood donor received an appreciation letter and a T-shirt as a symbolic gift for the expressed courage and humanity.
Na našoj stranici naći ćete kolačiće najrazličitijih oblika, veličina i ukusa. Većina njih je jestiva, ali tu su i oni drugi, računarski, koji služe kako bismo vam obezbedili što bolje korisničko iskustvo i funkcionalnosti. Koristeći našu stranicu slažete se s korišćenjem kolačića i našom politikom privatnosti.